Admission criteria for grammar schools in Northern Ireland for entrance in September 2025 may have changed.
Almost all grammar schools will be using the results in the SEAG Transfer Tests as one of many criteria used as part of the admissions policy for entry into year 8 (first form).
Grammar School admission criteria can vary greatly from school to school and you should make yourself aware of all the criteria details as they will determine which children will be admitted to that school in September 2025.
Make sure that you provide the school with all the information that they require as the school will use the information that you provide when making their decision about which children are admitted in September 2025.
Foyle College
Foyle College a brief history.
In 1976, Foyle College and Londonderry High School merged to form Foyle College and the new school operates as a co-educational school on two sites.
Foyle College can trace its origins a long way back - over 400 years to 1617 when it was founded as a Free Grammar School on Society Street, Londonderry. It was founded by the Merchant Taylor Mathias Springham. The original Foyle College school was inside the city walls but in 1814 the school moved to a site outside the city walls. Londonderry High School also has a long tradition and was set up in 1877 by the Misses McKillip – who were pioneers in the movement for higher education for women in Ireland.
Foyle College uses the new SEAG Single Entrance Transfer Test results as part of its intake criteria into year 8.